Storytelling, a skill for every entrepreneur. In a world full of loud, sometimes aggressive marketing, storytelling may be the one device that captures people’s attention for more than…
Now more than ever, video is an important asset to incorporate into your marketing. BUT just any ‘ole video won’t do the trick. And while everyone may have a camera in their pocket, that’s only a small piece of the puzzle. Check out our supply list for do-it-yourself video!
First, start here: Levels of a Sales S’more [Funnel]: Part 1, The Sales Funnel
You’ve closed the sale, ready for s’more? S’more brand loyalty that is.
Closing the sale is not the end of this sales funnel. We need brand loyalty. We have to maintain a good and positive relationship with the client and give post-sale services as promised by your company based on its policies.
A Little Sales S’more
Okay, it’s a sales funnel, but it looks pretty good as a s’more right?
What is a sale’s funnel?
A series of steps leading from an initial conversation with the prospect to converting them into a customer.
How can we make marketing fun? Quick answer – themes. But we’ll get there shortly.
Let’s start big.
If I asked you to name one of the most innovative and ingenious technology companies of the last ten years, chances are, Apple would be one of the first to come to mind.
Why wouldn’t we want to mimic our marketing strategies and offerings after a company that has paved the paths of innovation, creativity, and success?
Simply put: Content marketing is storytelling where your customer is the hero. Advertising is purely promotional, with your brand voice leading the way.
Is your website mobile friendly? Can your site visitors – and potential customers – easily interact with your brand, shop your products, view your services, or get in touch with you while viewing your website on a mobile device?
When beginning a business, you must decide what form of business entity to establish. Do you know which business legal structure you fall under? Do you know the benefits and differences?